Know Your Buddy!
We've been there: We have finally found someone bringing the right technical profile to our project. But how do we figure out whether we fit together as people without months of trying and getting to know each other? How do we complement each other and where may be conflict potentials?

For Whom? For Pros!
Freelancers & their clients
Founders & Co-founders
Temporary & permanent teams
What's the use?
No prior knowledge required
How do I get started?
What's the cost and what do we get?
An assessment summary of a constellation of teammates will be provided free of charge. This assessment will look at the level of 6 personality dimensions and will provide first insights on the constellation and guide recommended further analysis.
Detailed Assessment Report + Evaluation Coaching Session
For the full team assessment (detailed assessment reports and live video team evaluation coaching, the following prices apply:
2 teammates: € 599,-
(incl. 1 bilateral report and
1.5 hrs. team evaluation coaching)
3 teammates: € 1.199,-
(incl. 1 team summary,
3 bilateral reports,
2 hrs. team evaluation coaching)
4 teammates: € 1.799,-
(incl. 1 team summary,
6 bilateral reports,
3 hrs team evaluation coaching*)
5 teammates: € 2.499,-
(incl. 1 team summary,
10 bilateral reports,
4 hrs team evaluation coaching*)
6 teammates: € 2.999,-
(incl. 1 team summary,
15 bilateral reports,
5 hrs of evaluation coaching*)
(all prices are exclusive of VAT)
* coaching hours may be split up into full team sessions and smaller breakout coaching sessions as needed
For each teammate, an indication will be provided whether an individual personality feature is likely to trigger tension or conflicts in the team constellation, whether there may be a need to take mutual scores into account when designing roles or distributing tasks within the team, or whether a constellation is unlikely to develop any issues for the team. Based on such output information, the team will be enabled to identify their particular areas of synergy or concern and exchange on this basis accordingly. In addition to the detailed assessment report, the team will be entitled to schedule team evaluation coaching sessions, focusing on the mutual feature constellations and deriving adequate measures to ensure good cooperation based taking into account the different personalities.
Further Support & Team Coaching
We will be happy to provide any further support required specifically for your team. Please contact us to establish the specific requirements & scope!
6 Dimensions
The Model
tm matchboxx is a service for founders, co-founders, freelancers and other independent professionals who wish improve the basis for cooperation with their teammates. The assessment is exclusively focused on personality features prevalent in the team and will not take into account technical skills or other acquired competences. It is therefore additional to conventional recruitment methods.

Based on a standardized questionnaire (65 statements with which partcipants are asked to indicate their level of agreement/disagreement), a comparative analysis of personality features is conducted. This aims at identifying possible synergies and tension potentials for the particular constellation of personalities in a team. The analysis explicitly does not aim at evaluating or ranking individual scores of the participants. The value of the analysis hence mainly stems from the comparison. It is therefore necessary that the teammates respond to the questions independently from each other.
The tm matchboxx model adds a further dimension to the underlying OCEAN model. To emphazize personality features especially relevant for professional contexts, 'work autonomy' dimension is added, summarizing features like leadership aspiration, decision-making ablilty and monetary motivation.
Each of the resulting 5 dimenstions in turn includes 6 personality features. As a result, each assessment scores and compares a total of 36 personality features.
- Conscientiousness
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
Martin verfügt über einen fundierten track record als Berater, CEO und Aufsichtsratsmitglied beim Aufbau aufstrebender Unternehmensstrukturen im Social Entrepreneurship / Social Banking. Er ist selbst Gründer und arbeitet als Coach für Start-up-Teams in einer Vielzahl von Akzeleratoren und Gründungsprogrammen. In den meisten Jahren seines bisherigen Berufslebens war ein Schlüsselfaktor für den Erfolg, Teams aufzubauen, die aus Menschen mit sehr unterschiedlichen beruflichen, kulturellen und persönlichen Hintergründen bestehen.
Alex hat eine Erfolgsbilanz als Beraterin, Trainerin und als Leitende beim Aufbau von Organisationen und institutionellen Kapazitäten in der Finanzbranche in Schwellenländern.
Im Konzernumfeld hat Anne erfolgreiche Workshops im Rahmen eines großangelegten Kultur-Transformations-Projekts mit Führungskräften und technischen Mitarbeitenden konzipiert und geleitet. Sie bringt umfassende Erfahrung mit Gründerteams aus zahlreichen Interviews von Business Angels und Startup-Gründern, erfolgreichen Teamcoachings sowie der Moderation von Online-Veranstaltungen mit.
Langjährige Beratungs- und Projektmanagementerfahrung in den Branchen Erneuerbare Energien und Umwelttechnologien sowie ihr Studium in Wirtschaft und Chinesisch verleihen ihr eine breite internationale Expertise.